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InterLab storage manages serialized tracing nodes. The current implementation allows to store nodes as (compresed) files into a directory structure.


Storage can be initialized by instantiating FileStorage

from treetrace import FileStorage

storage = FileStorage("/path/to/a/directory")

A node can be written manually as follows:

with TracingNode("root") as ctx:


Or a node can be directly created with storage:

with TracingNode("root", storage=storage):

The latter have advantage that the node is known to the storage from the initialization and it is visible in Data Browser even in the running state. However, node is physically written into the persistent storage after the computation is finished.

Storage and with block#

Storage can be used as a context manager, in such a case all root nodes are automatically written into the storage.

from treetrace import FileStorage, TracingNode

storage = FileStorage("/path/to/a/directory")
with storage:
    with TracingNode("my root"):


By default a node is stored into a single file with all its children. If directory flag is set to True then the node is stored as a directory and its children are stored in files in it (or sub-directories when a child has also directory flag).

with TracingNode("root", directory=True, storage=storage):  # <-- Stored as a dictionary
    with TracingNode("child1"):  # <-- Stored as file

Loading tracing nodes#

Tracing nodes can be loaded from storage.

# Read all stored (root) nodes
for node in storage.read_all_nodes():

# Recursively search for specific tracing nodes
for node in storage.find_nodes(lambda ctx: ctx.has_tag_name("hello")):

# Read a tracing node by uid
node = storage.read_node(uid)