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Independendent part of Interlab project is TreeTrace module. TreeTrace is framework for logging, tracing, storing results and and visualisation of nested computations and actor interactions. They are designed to support large textual and structured (e.g. JSON) inputs and outputs, as well as generic and custom visualisations. custom visualisations.

An instance of TracingNode is a core object of InterLab logging infrastructure and represents a single (sub)task in a nested hierarchy.

Using a TracingNode as a context manager#

To utilize a TracingNode within your code, here's a pattern involving with statements:

from treetrace import TracingNode

with TracingNode("my node", inputs={"x": 42}) as c:
    y = do_a_computation(x=42)

Hierarchically nested tracing nodes#

TracingNodes can be nested to construct a clear hierarchy reflecting the structure of a complex computation:

with TracingNode("root") as root:
    with TracingNode("child-1"):
       with TracingNode("child-1-1"):
       with TracingNode("child-1-2"):
    with TracingNode("child-2"):

If this tracing nodes are visualized in Data Browser or in Jupyter notebook via root.display():

Data browser screenshot

TracingNode states#

Throughout its lifetime, a TracingNode traverses several states:

  • New - Freshly instantiated TracingNode
  • Open - Running TracingNode
  • Finished - Successfully finished TracingNode
  • Error - Unsuccessfully finished TracingNode
node = TracingNode("my node")  # 'node' in NEW state
with node:
    # 'node' in OPEN state
# 'node' in FINISHED state

When an unhandled exception passes through a ContentNode boundary, it sets the node to the ERROR state. Example:

with TracingNode("my node"):
    raise Exception("Something is wrong")
# TracingNode in ERROR state

Alternatively, the .set_error(error) method can be called on a node to explicitly set the node to the ERROR state.

Managing Inputs and Results#

Nodes may have one or more named inputs and at most one result

from treetracing import TracingNode

with TracingNode("my node", inputs={"x": 42}) as node:  # Set inputs when tracing is created
    node.add_inputs({"y": 123, "z": 321})  # Add inputs dynamically
    node.set_result("my_result")  # Set result explicitly

The name of the input has to be string.

Enhancing Functions with with_tracing#

A function can be annotated with with_tracing decorator. It automatically creates a new TracingNode that captures inputs and the result when the function is called.

from treetrace import with_trace

def my_computation(x):


An event is an instant TracingNode with immediate result and no child nodes.

with TracingNode("root") as node:
    node.add_event("Message to Alice", kind="message", data="Hi, Alice!")


Utilizing Tags

Tags are custom identifiers attachable to any TracingNode, facilitating subsequent filtering based on these tags. A tag is either directly a string or an instance of Tag.

Tag appearances in the Data Browser can be customized with an associated HTML color:

from treetrace import TracingNode, Tag

with TracingNode("root", tags=["tag1", Tag("tag2")]) as node:
    node.add_tag("exp1")  # Add tag to a tracing node dynamically
    node.add_tag(Tag("success!", color="lightgreen"))  # Add a tag with custom color

Attaching Meta information#

A meta information can be attached to any TracingNode. It is a dictionary with string keys. Keys and values may be user defined; however, some keys are recognized by DataBrowser and influences how the tracing node is rendered.

with TracingNode("root", meta={"key": "value"}) as node:

InterLab specifically recognizes and utilizes the following metadata keys, influencing the visual rendering in the Data Browser:

  • "color": [HTML color] - Defines the main color of the tracing node. In the current version, it is used for the title of node and a line when the node is expanded.
  • "color_bg": [HTML color] - Sets the TracingNode's background color.
  • "color_border": [HTML color] - Draws a border with the specified color around the TracingNode.