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The Actor subsystem within the Interlab library provides a mechanism to create agent-based models with varying levels of complexity. The base class within this subsystem is the BaseActor, which implements the basic interface that all other actors should comply with.

BaseActor Class#

BaseActor Class#

The BaseActor class serves as an abstract class defining the standard interface for all actors. It contains two essential methods that need to be implemented by any subclass:

observe(self, observation: Any)#

  • Description: Processes the given observation. The observation is expected to be a piece of information that the actor perceives from its environment, which should then be integrated into the actor's internal memory or state.

  • Parameters:

  • observation: Any digestible information, likely in the form of a string or structured data, that should affect the actor's memory or state.

  • Returns: None.

query(self, prompt=None, expected_type=None) -> Any#

  • Description: Generates a response from the actor based on the provided query and the actor's current memory or state.

  • Parameters:

  • prompt: A string that contains the question or request for information to which the actor should respond.

  • Returns: A string or structured data (if expected_type is provided) representing the actor's response.

Note: BaseActor does not prescribe a specific implementation for these methods or the structure of the memory.

Example Usage#

The OneShotLLMActor is a concrete implementation provided by Interlab that extends the BaseActor. It utilizes a language model to perform observations and queries in a one-shot manner. This actor stores all observations in its memory and considers them when making a single query through a Language Model.

import langchain
from import OneShotLLMActor

# Create a language model instance
engine = langchain.chat_models.ChatOpenAI(model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo')

# Initialize the OneShotLLMActor with a name, language model, and initial prompt
actor = OneShotLLMActor("Alice",                                 # Actor's name
                        engine,                                  # LLM model
                        "You are Alice, expert on apples.")      # Initial prompt

# Feed observations into the actor's memory
actor.observe("Fall is coming.")
actor.observe("You see an apple tree.")

# Query the actor to generate a response
response = actor.query("What do you do with the tree?")

# Print out the response from the actor

This will perform a one-shot query with the provided language model, including all previous observations within the context.